Mutual Exchange
Interested in a mutual exchange? This page provides you with the information you will need to decide if a mutual exchange is right for you.
Mutual exchanges can be a quick and easy way to move, either within Southwark or to another area.
All council and housing association tenants can apply to swap their homes with another tenant anywhere in the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland.
If you would like to swap your council home with another tenant you will need to register with one of the mutual exchange websites below. Some sites are free and others may charge a small fee to join. However, the more places you advertise, the more chances you will have. A good advert with lots of information will increase your chances of a move.
Registration/membership is free for Southwark tenants on and mutual exchange platforms.
On each site you will be able to:
- search for a specific area
- search for those who may want your property
- search for a three-way swap
- Tenants who downsize to a smaller property (one with fewer bedrooms) will qualify for the same incentives as tenants downsizing through the Smart Move scheme (currently £1000 per bedroom)
- If you find a suitable exchange partner, you must inform your local area housing office as your exchange will need to be approved
- Tenants must have a clear rent account (i.e. no arrears). In exceptional circumstances, we will approve an exchange where a tenant has arrears but there must be an agreement in place to clear the arrears and the exchange must be approved by the Area Housing Manager
- If your home would be far too big for the new tenant or far too small then we will not allow the exchange
- You will be expected to accept the property you wish to move into in its current condition
How do I qualify?
If you want to swap your home, permission will not be unreasonably withheld. Some conditions must usually be satisfied before permission will be granted and some of these are as follows:
- We do not approve exchanges where one tenant will have an extra bedroom or the household will be overcrowded (e.g. lacking a bedroom)
- Your home must be of a fit standard to live in, with any damage repaired.
Once you have found your swap partner, you need to both agree to go ahead with the move. You should therefore arrange a mutually convenient time to view each other's properties. Once this has been done, you will both need to seek permission in writing from your landlord before you can proceed. This should not take longer than around six weeks. If you skip this step, you could both be liable for eviction. Once permission has been granted from both landlords, it is time to move!
If you already have a swap partner (a tenant you wish to exchange properties with – see more on this below), please complete the form here Housing - request a mutual exchange | Southwark Council and a full application will be sent to you.